To The Swedish Ombudsmen for Justice (JO)
Gothenburg and Stockholm August, 2, 2012
We most urgent requires that the ombudsmen for justice
investigates the Swedish handling of the case of Julian Assange, by the
prosecutor Marianne Ny, Director of the Public Prosecution Authority
Development Center in Gothenburg.
1. Mr. Assange could have been investigated by the Swedish
police before he left the country on September 27, 2010, and with the knowledge
of the prosecutor Marianne Ny. At that date Mr. Assange had been available for an
interwiev during five weeks.
2. Since Mr. Assange arrived in London, he has on several
occasions offered to give his own version of what happened in Stockholm in
August 2010, at the Swedish embassy, or being questioned by video link.
3. In late July, Mr. Assange offered to talk to the Swedish
prosecutor, now at the embassy of Ecuador, where he has asked for asylum.
prosecutor, Ms. Ny has at all different occasions neglected or rejected Mr. Assanges
August 13, and August 16 Mr. Assange had consensual sex with two different women.
On August
20, 2010, the two women went to a local police station in Stockholm in order to
urge Mr. Assange to undergo an HIV-test. At that point the police choosed to
start an investigation about rape, without the consent of the two women.
On the same
day a prosecutor decided to issue an arrest warrant for Mr. Assange. At the
time the newspaper Expressen, headlined a front page article “Assange accused
of rape”.
The next
day another prosecutor decided that there was no reason for the warrant.
On August
30, interrogates Julian Assange for the first time by the Swedish police, and
denies all allegations.
The day
after the lawyer of the two women, Mr. Claes Borgström, who also was a former
Swedish Ombudsman for equality, requested that the case should be reopened by
the prosecutor in Gothenburg, Marianne Ny.
Assange is now again accused of rape, molest, and sexual harassment.
Mr. Assange
stayed in Sweden until September 27 for further questioning.
We are,
like his lawyer, Mr. Baltasar Garzón, serious concerned, regarding the lack of
safeguards and transparency with which actions are being taken against Julian Assange, and the
harassment he is being subjected to which has irreparable effects on his
physical and mental wellbeing.
The threats
against his person are further aggravated by the complicit behavior of the
Swedish governmental authorities.
This has implied
that Mr. Assanges civil rights, and his rights according to the European Convention
have been violated.
Bergman, journalist
0707 31 23
Carlgren, journalist
072 32 33
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderaAtt någon på det juridiska området någorlunda bevandrad person har kunnat säga det Du just sagt har jag väntat på. Så vitt jag kan se, så är Du dessutom väl insatt i turerna i fallet Assange.
Att hans sak blir korrekt behandlad ser jag som speciellt viktigt, eftersom han uppenbart genom sin verksamhet i WikiLeaks har mycket att bidra till i arbetet med att avslöja vad som sker högt, högt ovan huvudena på oss vanliga människor.
Tack för Din insats och lycka till i Ditt fortsatta viktiga värv!
Kent Åsberg, Vellinge
Då detta är ett politiskt mål, precis som t.ex The Pirate Bay målet, så har jag svårt att se vad en politiskt tillsatt justitieombudsman bryr sig om att göra.
SvaraRaderaCase to the Swedish Ombudsman for Justice?
SvaraRaderaIs this some kind of joke?
As long as in Sweden the Swedish Ombudsman for Justice (JO) agreed that a former prosecutor who has decided in a dispute between some private people, may notwithstanding act as a court judge involving the same opponents in the same dispute, we cannot be trusted anymore in this so-called Swedish Ombudsman for Justice, in the Swedish low and order unfortunately.
These are cases for the European Court. Of course the rights according to the European Convention have been violated!
The most interesting is that involved law firm is precisely the same… “Borgström&Bodström”!
(See Swedish JO case no. 4782-2010 subversively changed/added again to case no.5960-2010)
I went to the Chinese ambassy on August 7, 2008, to tell them that human rights, despite riots around the world and declaration of president Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsas disappeared from France.
SvaraRaderaInstead of alert medias, they simply orederd to president Sarközy to obey them.
You know the end.
You ignore what I did and endure till now :
approximate English :
pure French barbaria :
Du borde komma ut från forumet ett tag ... Debatten i dn idag var verkligen helt knäpp (hur kunde de ta in den alls?). Konspirationsteorin om en statsfeministisk kupp är verkligen helt uppe i det blå. Tänk på hur många kvinnor som inte kommer att ha anmäla våldtäkter efter det här. Det antalet är ju redan stort.
SvaraRaderaTack Helene. Du ingjuter nu hopp hos mig och många många fler som dessutom kommer att bli en växande skara över hela världen och det går nu fort. Människor som Du, Assange och Anders Carlgren är beundransvärda, inte minst pga. det ansvar Ni "törs" ta för "oss andra". Det finns så mycket mer att avslöja och röja för att rädda den här världen från den globala diktaturen som håller på att installeras och jag önskar Er all lycka och framgång med att väcka upp folk och göra dom medvetna.
tack för era intressanta artikel om Asssange fallet. Modig!
SvaraRaderajag hoppas att det blir flera journalister som vågar ta upp detta fall från ett mer nyanserat perspektiv än det som SVT och svenska tidningar presenterar.
Jual Obat Aborsi ,
SvaraRaderaObat Aborsi ,
Cara Menggugurkan Kandungan ,
Obat Penggugur Kandungan ,